Imaging data are the images produced by microscopy of cells, organelles, tissues etc and their associated metadata.
Use the email omero-help [at]
or the slack channel #usergroup_omero
to get support.
The Sanger Imaging Platform uses the OMERO software for the analysis of microscope imaging data. Storing data in OMERO is a procedure Cellular Genetics Informatics provide.
Please watch the following 10min video from the The Jackson Laboratory to learn the basics of browsing and annotating images using OMERO:
OMERO uploads
Users need to get data off microscopes quickly. Choose from the following use cases on how to request your data be uploaded to Sanger’s OMERO server.
Upload OME-TIFF and NDPI
Data in OME-TIFF and NDPI format can be imported as-is provided the images have pyramids generated. Please submit a ticket with a TSV file with the following columns:
filename |
Name of the file ( |
location |
Path to the file folder (ie: |
omero_group |
OMERO group name (ie. |
omero_project |
omero_dataset |
omero_username |
Image owner’s username (ie. |
Upload NDPIS
NDPIS need to be processed before importing this involves merging all NDPI image for individual channels into one image.
Please fill the following xlsx
file and submit a ticket with it attached.
Opera Phenix exported raw tiles need to be stitched together before importing to OMERO.
Please fill the following xlsx
file and submit a ticket with it attached.
We can also run segmentation on your images provided you give us the following information:
input_image |
Full path to the image file. ie. |
dapi_ch |
DAPI channel index (default |
cyto_ch |
Cyto channel index (default |
object_diameter |
Object diameter (default |
flow_threshold |
Flow threshold (default |
expand |
Cell border expansion ammount (default |
magnification |
Magnification level (default |
model_type |
Cellpose model type (default |
Our segmentation pipeline works on GPU using Cellpose in order to produce 2D or 3D images of cells and nuclei with segmentation for downstream analysis.
If you want to run the pipeline yourslef you can do so following the instructions on GitLab
- We can run registration of the images for:
H&E serial images of the same tissue (code to repoitory)
DAPI images of the same tissue taken at different imaging cycles (microaligner page)
Multimodal registration between DAPI and H&E image (in development/testing phase)
Analysis of bespoke ISS and MERFISH-like epxeriments
With our pipeline we can perform image registration, peak calling and decoding using PostCode. Also the pipeline can perform segmentation and transcript assignment. The output dataset can be easily visualised with napari plugin spatialdata_napari. For details please contact us
Visium Spots feature extraction
For Visium experiment output we can run segmentation on H&E image and add segmentation information for each visium spot (number of cells, coverage area etc) using Cells2Visium.