

Do NOT install Anaconda or Miniconda distributions on Sanger systems. Do not try to have your own install of conda. You should use the cellgen/conda module. Only use miniforge as a Conda installer if you require so outside the cluster. Avoid using the Anaconda or Miniconda installers.

Conda is an open-source, language-agnostic package manager and environment management system. It was originally developed to deal with Python package management but now supports Python, R, and binary releases.

Initially, the Anaconda Python distribution was developed by Anaconda Inc., but it was later spun out as a separate package and released under the BSD license. Now, Conda is a NumFOCUS-affiliated project.

Key Conda concepts

  • Conda is the package and environment manager.

  • Channels are the sources where the conda client gets the packages from. Use bioconda and conda-forge as your default channels.

  • Anaconda is a commerical company that develops and supports conda installers and some channels.

Conda Module

module load cellgen/conda

The cellgen/conda module is designed to make it easy for you to use Conda and create individual environments for your work. The Conda client is installed centrally, preventing unnecessary duplicate installations.

The module enforces the following items:

  1. Ensures that you can install and organize tools, packages, and dependencies for your projects without affecting others on the same system.

  2. Places newly created environments in the appropriate location for software within the cluster (at /software).

  3. Automatically sets up paths and configurations for Conda to work smoothly, such as defining where your environments and packages will be stored and ensuring you use the fastest and most reliable sources for downloading software.

  4. Includes helpful features, such as automatically cleaning up unused files, creating personal directories for your settings, and enabling smooth switching between different project setups.

Using the module


Remove any previous conda instructions from your ~/.bashrc before using the module. Exit and log back in to the farm to guarantee nothing from any previous install is loaded.

After activating the module the use should be fairly similar to your current workflow.

ssh farm22
module load cellgen/conda
conda activate yourFavouriteEnv

Using inside jobs

When using conda inside jobs you should activate the module, for example:

#BSUB -q normal
#BSUB -R "select[mem>8G] rusage[mem=8G]"
#BSUB -o %J.out
#BSUB -e %J.err
#BSUB -n 4
#BSUB -R "span[hosts=1]"

set -eo pipefail

module load cellgen/conda
conda activate yourFavouriteEnv

echo "Added some conda magic 🧙‍♂️"

if you prefer to use in-line bsub, activate the environment before submitting the job:

module load cellgen/conda
conda activate yourFavouriteEnv

bsub -q normal -n 4 -M 8G -R "select[mem>8G] rusage[mem=8G] span[hosts=1]" \
     -o %J.out -e %J.err python

Load module automatically

You can add the module to your ~/.bashrc if you’d like for it to be avaiable when you login to the farm. To do this you need to add the following line:

## load module
{ module load cellgen/conda } &>/dev/null

Create environments


Environment modification (creation/deletion) can only be done from head nodes. The environments are located inside the /software area. This filesystem is only writable from head nodes.

To create an environment, first load the module, provide a name for your environment, and specify the package(s) you want to install, such as python=3.10:

module load cellgen/conda
conda create --name myEnv python=3.10

By default, environments will be created in:


If your primary group does not match your current one, please notify the team so it can be fixed. However, if you want to control the location of your environments, you can set the CONDA_ENVS_PATH environment variable. Don’t use this unless you really have to.

For example, to create new environments under a different team directory, export the variable before loading the module:

export CONDA_ENVS_PATH=/software/cellgen/team123/ob1/envs
module load cellgen/conda
conda create --name myEnv2 python=3.11
# this will create myEnv2 at /software/cellgen/team123/ob1/envs/myEnv2

Migrate your environments


The method of “copying your old envs directly to the new path” is not recommended anymore because we’ve detected issues with runtime environments. Please avoid it. You will have to recreate the envionment. If that’s not possible please use instead

If you already had your own install of Miniconda or Miniforge you must move all the environments to the central location. To do so follow the next steps:

Before your start, remove any previous conda instructions from your ~/.bashrc. Then exit the farm and re-connect.

  1. Load the cellgen/conda module to guarantee the right folders are created:

module load cellgen/conda
  1. Backup your existing conda environemnts:

conda env export --no-builds -p /path/to/envs/envName > environ_backup.yml
  1. Create the environment with the central conda module.

conda env create -f environ_backup.yml -n envName

This will put the environment in the right place and guarantees no licensed packages are included. However, dev packages (installed from local sources) or licensed packages won’t be able to install in the new environment.

  1. Check your environments were successfully copied over and make sure you can see them when listing all your environments with conda:

conda env list
  1. Once sure everything is in place and working remove your previous Conda installation:

rm -rf /path/to/your/miniconda3

Common issues

  • Don’t know where env is: Write down which is your primary group (use id -gn) and then search for it /software/cellgen/<teamNmber>/<userName>. Your primary group may not be the one you think.

  • Permissions denied: you probably didn’t activate the right environment. Trying to install to the base env (owned by cellgeni) will produce this error.

  • Path not found: it’s possible that you are part of a new team that hasn’t been setup in /software/cellgen, please contact us to fix this.

  • No space left on device: very rare but it’s possible that /software has filled up, please contact us to fix this.

Conda Support

For any Conda related questions please use the #bioinformatics Slack channel. There are lots of users there who can quickly answer your questions.